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Breaking walls at the YLS in Burgenland

This year’s Youth Leader Seminar of YEN “Breaking Walls / Rušiti zid(in|ov)e” took place from 26th of September to 2nd of October in Austria, at Burg Lockenhaus/Livka in Burgenland. But instead of breaking castle walls (it would be a pity for the great building), we focused on breaking intercultural prejudices and minority problems, such as […]

“Minorities on Stage” at the Diversity Festival 2016

Moscow, Москва́ … This year, from August 7-14 we had the pleasure to run the Diversity Festival for the second time. After this event happening in Bautzen/Budyšin (Germany) last year, it was now time to travel to Moscow (Russia). For many participants the perfect opportunity to go trough the excruciating process of getting their passports […]

Diversity Festival 2016 in Moscow

From 7.-14. August 2016 we are at the Diversity Festival “Minorities on stage” in Moscow and Moscow region in Russia. It is organized by the Youth of European Nationalities (YEN), the “Jugendring der Russlanddeutschen” (Youth organisation of the Germans from Russia) and the “djo-Deutsche Jugend in Europa, Bundesverband e.V.” (German Youth in Europe). The event […]

YEN at the EUROPEADA 2016

The EUROPEADA 2016 has ended! From the 18th till the 26th of June this event took place in South Tyrol – a football championship for 30 autochthonous, national minority teams, who arrived from all over Europe. For the first time there was also a woman’s tournament, which attracted special attention. The EUROPEADA gathered not only […]

Resolution zum Jahrestag der Deportation der Krimtataren

Deportation der Krimtataren am 18. Mai 1944 war Völkermord! Russland muss Versprechen einlösen: Verfolgung der Krimtataren endlich einstellen! Bundesregierung und EU müssen klar Stellung beziehen: Keine Willkür und Gewalt gegen Krimtataren heute zulassen! Am 18. Mai 1944 wurden die Krimtataren kollektiv deportiert. 15 Minuten hatten sie Zeit, um sich anzuziehen, persönliche Gegenstände einzupacken. Von 238.500 […]