Register for our E-Training „Think beyond borders“!

The Youth of European Nationalities (YEN) is looking for participants for the E-Training “Think beyond borders”, part of the YEN’s Digital Summer. About the E-Training: Even under the current circumstances when at home and not being able to travel, we want to keep our network active and connected and reflect on the current situation as […]

In solidarity with young Sorbians

The Youth of European Nationalities supports and follows our member organisation Serbske młodźinske towarstwo Pawk z. t. in strongly condemning the anti-Sorbian attacks of last Saturday. During a celebration of the Sorbian High School Bautzen in the small village of Schönau, verbal and physical clashes between a group of neo-Nazis and individual Sorbs occurred in the parking […]

Take part in the Minority Changemaker Programme!

Note: The course has been rescheduled to take place in spring 2021 from 28 March to 26 June. The Minority Changemaker Programme is a three-month learning programme in spring 2020 (April-June 2020) at Jaruplund Højskole close to Flensburg, in the middle of the German-Danish border region. The participants of the programme have a chance to  combine […]

The Minorities Messengers Project is evolving to another stage so we are looking for dedicated young people that would like to work on the next step throughout 2020! …we are looking for you: Members of the Minority Messengers HUB – Steering Team …to work together with a dedicated team on the “State of Play of […]

Our Toolkit on Youth Participation is there!

Under the motto “MYnority – My Say” we have focused our activities and work in 2019 on youth participation as fundamental subject for young people, who want to engage themselves more and have a say in the political or local decision-making processes. In that context we have developed a Toolkit on Youth Participation, that we […]

CALL FOR PARTICIPANTS “Minority Youth and the EU Elections-Seminar” – deadline: February 24th!

You are invited to join the Seminar: “Minority Youth and the European Parliament elections in 2019”! The deadline for applications is already on February 24th!   When: March 16 until 22, 2019 (including travel days) Where: Brussels   What: The seminar aims to strengthen the capacity, exchange of experience and the networking and coalition-building of […]

Kick Off Seminar “Step up!” began

On Monday, 11th February we have started our Kick Off Seminar “Step up!”! Our participants travelled to Donja Stubica in Croatia and got to know each other during the first evening. We have also talked about our plans for 2019, our focus on youth participation. The Kick-Off Seminar is hosted by O-mreža, the Serbian youth […]

“To reach out to all, every initiative counts”, Cristina’s internship with YEN

My name is Cristina Zelenac and I belong to German Minority in Romania. Since July 2016 I am a part of the YOU.PA -Young Potentials Academy- Program, which offers professional chances and perspectives to young people, who engage themselves for the minority rights. The program aims to support and to strengthening the work of the German […]

Kick-Off-Seminar “Step up!”: Applications are open

In February we  kick off with the “MYnority- My Say” and take a closer look on what youth participation means and how it can help achieving the goal of more inclusive, youth and minority-oriented society. During the Kick-Off-Seminar we will talk about the gap between the legal rights of the national minorities and real access […]

SAVE THE DATE: YEN goes 2019

As we are slowly approaching the end of the year, we are evaluating the past events, but at the same time already planning new activities in 2019. And there are some exciting things waiting for you! Under the motto “MYnority – My Say” we want to focus on youth participation as fundamental subject for young […]