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„Open Society“ at the Easter Seminar 2016

More than 80 different young adults traveled to Pécs (Fünfkirchen) in Hungary in order to join the Easter Seminar from the 19th to the 25th of March. As always, workshops, excursions and fun were the most important topics on the agenda of the seminar. This year the organisation GJU (Gemeinschaft Junger Ungarndeutscher) hosted the seminar […]

YEN Training on Youth Participation in Belgrade

YEN has started the year of 2016 with the amazing Kick-Off Training “Opening Doors. It took place in Belgrade, Serbia from 16-21th of February. For the first time in history a YEN event was hosted by our member organization “Lunjina” – the Aromanian Youth Council of Serbia. More than 20 participants from 14 different minorities […]

Wishes of YEN for 2016 and a future Europe

In December 2015, a group of YENies met for the final YEN event of the year, the “Newbie Meeting”, in Berlin in order to meet different minorities from all over Europe, to get to know the basics of minority youth politics and exchange about current issues. Representatives of nine minorities participated in this seminar: Frisians, […]

Sochi Summer camp calling ! – Visiting the Youth Council of the Germans in Russia

This summer we followed the invitation of the Youth Council of the Germans in Russia (JdR), to participate in their summer camp. Roman Roblek (Chair of the YLC) and Paul Preisig joined the event from 16.-24. of August 2015 and travelled to the place of the latest Olympic Games, Sochi, right at the Black Sea. […]

1st YEN Training for Trainers organized

YEN started its first Training for Trainers from the 22nd – 28th of June 2015, in Berlin-Grünau, which is outside of the city centre and surrounded by a forest and the Long Lake. This venue was perfect to give a lot of space to the 10 motivated participants. The aim of the Training for Trainers […]