Entries by Eva Schubert

YEN in 2023

„ Keeping Traditions Alive! Since 2023“   Every year we develop a plan for the year to come, based on your impressions and feedback. With our activities in 2023 we want to address the topic “TRADITIONS”  and we hope you will enjoy our activities. We are looking forward to seeing you there!   Kick Off […]

YEN is looking for a project assistant

We are looking for a Project Assistant to support us in the project: “Rise Up – Safeguarding endangered languages”.  The project is run by a consortium of universities and organisation/companies from the field of game development, media, research and innovation and YEN as a civil society and stakeholder representative. The project is funded through an Erasmus+ […]

YEN in 2021

Even though we can not meet for regular seminars YEN is still here to offer you inspiration and opportunities to connect with youth from minorities around Europe.     In 2021 we are “Changing the Narrative”!     Changing the Narrative? Every day we are surrounded by stories and narratives that influence how we think […]

Call for Trainers

YEN is  looking for one or two trainers to prepare and implement a four week online course in late April and May. The online course will be spread over four weeks and should be based on methods of non-formal education fitting to the online context. The main aim of this activity is for the participants […]

New Secretary General

  With the beginning of the new year Eva Schubert took over the management of YEN from Kasia Siemasz. Eva has been working with YEN since February 2019 as Project Manager and has experiences in a variety of international settings and youth work. “YEN, as an international youth organization, is currently facing challenging times. I am happy […]

Think beyond borders – YEN Digital Summer has started!

In the next two months, we invite you to our activities under the motto “Think beyond borders”. Even when at home and not able to travel, we want to keep our network active and connected and reflect on the current situation as well as the challenges national, ethnic and linguistic  minorities face. Here we present […]

Due to the Coronavirus YENs Easter Seminar will be cancelled!

Today we decided to cancel our Easter Seminar „Grenzland 2.0 – 100 years of best practice? Think beyond borders“.   The Danish authorities have asked organisers of smaller events to assess the risk of infection themselves and act accordingly. Therefore, the Youth of European Nationalities (YEN) and its co-organizers, the youth organisations of the German […]

The Minorities Messengers Project is evolving to another stage so we are looking for dedicated young people that would like to work on the next step throughout 2020! …we are looking for you: Members of the Minority Messengers HUB – Steering Team …to work together with a dedicated team on the “State of Play of […]

Volunteer, Inspire, Engage!

Volunteer, Inspire, Engage ! Are looking for a new experience this summer? Think about joining a workcamp! *15 days, 15 Volunteers from all over the World. Have an impact! YEN is partnering with different organisations offering workcamps to make it easier for YOU to have this great experience. If you are interested in a workcamp, […]