Dikh He Na Bister 2024

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The Dikh He Na Bister is the largest youth event for members of the Roma and Sinti community in Europe. The event focuses mainly on the genocide committed by the Nazi regime against the Roma and Sinti minority in Auschwitz in 1944. The extent of current discrimination against the Roma and Sinti community is also discussed. As YEN, we were able to take part in this important event and gain some important insights into the past and present of the Roma and Sinti minority. This are the impressions of some YEN`s participants:


Elizaveta Wagner

“The workshop was a great opportunity to gain the knowledge about Roma as a community (historcal&cultural), but also their challenges and potential solutions. The excursion part was a life-changing experience and the feelings afterwards makes me reflecting more about importance of life, the challenges faced by minorities and history generally. I’m looking forward for even more events like DHNB-week and maybe would like to try a facilitator-role in the future.”


Luka Olip

“For me Dikh He Na bister is a very important event – the monstrous extent of the Nazi genocide against everyone who did not fit into the image of National Socialist politics should be conveyed to the youth. Above all, historical knowledge from the perspective of minorities is often forgotten. Therefore, such events are very important to draw attention to the historical suffering of minorities (especially the Roma and Sinti minority) and to create awareness for current forms of discrimination.”


David Córdoba Bou

Dikh He Na Bister has been an incredible experience for me. It’s a unique event where you can connect with people from the Roma community, which is the largest and most discriminated minority in Europe. Engaging with such a diverse group—ranging from very conservative to highly progressive individuals—offers a rare opportunity to learn about their often-overlooked history and build meaningful connections. I highly recommend participating, as it opens your eyes to the plurality of our realities and leaves you with a deeper awareness and understanding of society.


Louis Albert-Becker

“The Dikh He Na Bista was an unforgettable experience in which we learned a great deal. The pain and determination of the people of Rome inspired us. The international links and openness of the people of Rome were extraordinary.”


Alisa Alić

“To be a part of “DIKH HE NA BISTER” this year was a great privilege and a unique opportunity for me. I am very grateful for all the experience I have gained. I have learned about the genocide of Roma and Sinti, about discrimination that continues to take place, about memory, about the diversity of the community, about Roma and Sinti history, about Roma heroes and heroines, about solidarity and resistance and much more. Now it is my duty and responsibility to share these experiences with others.”