“YENIversary” Networking Weekend 2024

Networking Weekend “YENIversary”

From the 18th to the 21st of July 2024, the Youth of European Nationalities (YEN) celebrated their 40th Jubilee “YENIversary” with a Networking Weekend for members and alumni in Bleiburg/Pliberk, Austria. It was a weekend full of intergenerational exchange and a variety of workshops, talks, panel discussions, and presentations facilitated by multiple minorities from all over Europe. Besides that, a diverse array of cultural events, such as an open-mic night and a performance by the school band Ladja (from the Slovenian minority in Austria), turned the celebrations into a delightful come-together.

The YEN Board and office welcomed the participants with speeches about the past, present, and future. The celebration began with the unveiling of the new logo. Luka, YEN's treasurer from Mlada EL, thanked YEN for holding YEN's Jubilee in Carinthia/Koroška. To share some activities of the event, we have some reports and pictures about the individual activities of the weekend:



The festival ended with an entertaining concert by the young band “Ladja.” During the final hours, we danced, sang, and chatted together. It was a lovely get-together, and we are thankful to everyone who helped create this amazing exchange.


This event is supported by the Federal Ministry of the Interior and for Home Affairs, the Federal Chancellery Republic of Austria and the Ethnic Minority Office of the Province Carinthia/ Biro za slovensko narodno skupnost and in cooperation with the Slovene Info-Center / Slovenski Info-Center (SIC).