Our new president Andor introduces himself

Andor Barabás is 25 years old and comes from a Hungarian family. However, he grew up among the Transylvanian Saxons (German minority) in Zeiden/Feketehalom/Codlea in Romania. Andor has also attended Saxon schools: the German primary school in Codlea and later the famous German-speaking Johannes Honterus Lyceum in Kronstadt/Brassó/Brasov. He recently completed his master’s degree in […]

Vacancy for the Position of Secretary General

YEN is now looking for its new Secretary General. The selected person will manage the organisation on a daily basis, lead the office and work closely with the board. The position is vacant from 1 January 2021 and located in Berlin, Charlottenburg. Job Description: Management of YEN Office and conduct of its daily affairs (including […]

Call for webinar stars!

We are looking for young people from our Member Organisations to take part in a webinar as guests and talk about their minority, mainly in regards to discrimination experiences and intersectionality.  The format is simple:  a nice talk → between two guests (you and a guest from another youth organisation of other minority groups) → […]

We have a new board! After the General Assembly 2020!

On 10 October 2020 YEN held its first ever Online General Assembly! More than 50 participants, representing 26 member organizations, partners and guests gathered to decide on the plans of the YEN network in the next years and elected new Board Members, Working Group Members and an Auditor. The new YEN board members are Andor […]

The General Assembly of YEN takes place on 10th October online!

After the trying times of corona, we have decided to hold this year’s General Assembly (GA) – due to the given situation – online, on the 10th of October 2020, from 9.30 am (CEST) till 2 pm. It has been a strange year for us all, but we hope to end it on a high […]

Call for contributions! Share your story and let us print it!

After the Autumn Seminar “Gather up!” in Sochi, we are not slowing down. During the seminar, young people from minorities focused on participation with youth organisations in society and in that context were trained in project management to learn how to successfully implement their project ideas. One group of participants had a chance to try […]

Invitation: Training on Advocacy and lobbying for NGOs. Presentation and public speaking skills

After the feedback from the Member Organizations of the Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN), a Training Calendar for 2019-2020 has been prepared. As specified the objective of the program is the development of the people who are active in the member organizations. The trainings are further support for the member organizations to create new […]

Impressions from Krakow – Dikh He Na Bister

Andor Barabás is a Minority Messenger. In September and October 2019 he is supporting the Office of YEN in Berlin as an intern. Before, in July 2019 he was in Krakow for the Dikh He Na Bister as Minority Messenger. Andor comes from Romania, he belongs to both Hungarian and German Minority and studies Leadership […]

Soon it is time for our Autumn Seminar “Gather up!”

Soon it’s time for our Autumn Seminar “Gather Up!”, which takes place from 7th till 13th October 2019. The Autumn Seminar closes the year 2019 and is the last event of our workplan “MYnority – MYSay”. During this year we have focused on youth participation as a fundamental subject for young people, who actively want […]

Volunteer, Inspire, Engage!

Volunteer, Inspire, Engage ! Are looking for a new experience this summer? Think about joining a workcamp! *15 days, 15 Volunteers from all over the World. Have an impact! YEN is partnering with different organisations offering workcamps to make it easier for YOU to have this great experience. If you are interested in a workcamp, […]