Auf den Spuren von Minderheitensprachen

Die Sprache spielt eine außerordentlich wichtige Rolle für Minderheiten und Volksgruppen, weil sie eine identitätsstiftende Funktion hat. Allerdings haben wir in unserem Workshop „Auf den Spuren von Minderheitensprachen“ beim diesjährigen Herbstseminar der JEV im Burgenland (Österreich) gesehen, dass es hier unterschiedlich starke Gewichtungen gibt. Für manche Minderheiten ist Sprache der zentrale Fokus, wie zum Beispiel […]

Resolution on key issues concerning European Youth

Alliance of European Voluntary Service Organizations1, Phiren Amenca2, Voices of Young Refugees in Europe (VYRE)3 and Youth of European Nationalities (YEN)4 are European networks which together represent ethnic, national and language minorities, Roma and Sinti population, young refugees and volunteers. As we all have closely related target audiences and common aims, we have partnered to collaborate for the promotion […]

“Building Bridges” at the Easter Seminar in Albania

This year’s Easter Seminar took place from the 7th till the 13th of April in Durrës, Albania – in a hotel that was situated a mere 5 metres away from the beach. Our member organisation CTarmA – the Aromanians/ Vlachs from Albania, spared neither costs nor troubles to make our stay as pleasant as possible. […]

Our candidate for the 2018-19 Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe

We are proudly presenting you our candidate for the 2018-2019 Advisory Council on Youth of the Council of Europe: Matic Germovšek Matic: “I am representing YEN in the current Advisory Council mandate and would like to continue with the good work that we have started in this mandate, where I am responsible for the Roma […]

YEN has financial Problems

We need your help! We’re very sorry to tell you that YEN has massive financial problems ever since Matic (Convenor for Minority Rights and Politics) accidentally bought the most expensive first class ticket for his flight to this year’s Easter Seminar. To still be able to organise all our wonderful events, most particularly the coming […]

The Slovene Minority in Italy

At the official opening of the Kick-Off Seminar in Trst, Italy in February, we were lucky to enjoy the interesting speech of Ksenija Dobrila, a representative of the Slovene minority in Italy. The speech gives a very good picture of the situation of the Slovenes in Italy, thus we share it with you here. Enjoy! […]