The new YEN Berlin office has opened

The Youth of European Nationalities has moved into a new office in Berlin, which we share with other organizations committed to the protection of minority rights: the The Federal Union of European Nationalities (FUEN) and the Society for Threatened Peoples International (GfbV). On this occasion, we have invited their partners, supporters and friends to join us on 20 February 2020, to celebrate the official opening of our new bureau in Berlin Charlottenburg (Kaiser Friedrich-Straße 90). Among the invitees were Hungarian Ambassador in Germany Dr. Péter Györkös, State Secretary Ingbert Liebing, Plenipotentiary of the State of Schleswig-Holstein to the Federal Government, State Secretary Tobias Dünow, State Representative for Sorb / Wendish


Affairs and Former Federal Government Commissioner for Resettlers and National Minorities, Former State Secretary Hartmut Koschyk. The guests were welcomed by the president of YEN Giuanna Beeli as well as Leonie Krüger, vice president of GfBV as well as Loránt Vincze, president of FUEN Presidium.

More information in the press release of FUEN.